Karma beer on MelaVerde!

13th April 2017 A day when emotion is hard to contain. It shines through in every action.We are live on net 4, with the Great Edoardo Raspelli and his crew. We talk about our Tazzulella and cafe, a coffee scout born from the synergy with Caffè Kimbo.Space to images, we are still excited to remember.
The K line has arrived!

Finally it has arrived! The simplest part of Karma’s production has been brewed and is among us.A story without frills, that of the K, young aggressive and unwilling to compromise. The synthesis of Karma, which is consumed in different and more dynamic contexts by the usual tracks of craftsmanship. At the bar, for example, as […]
We are finally online!

All the freshness, strength, taste and tenacity of our passion can now be found on birrakarma.it. A showcase to tell our goals, our ideas, our way of brewing craft beer and not only that. A constantly updated e-commerce section, with the ability to order and ship your beer that you desire in one click. A […]
Beers of Italy 2021

ONCE AGAIN AMONG THE BEST Also for the 2021 edition of the Guide to Beers of Italy, Slow Food has decided to include three of our beers among the award-winning beers of 2021.Amber Doll and Na’ Tazzulella ‘e Cafè are awarded the title of ‘Unmissable Beer’, while the Centesimal one is Slow […]